Advertise with us
There is a world of opportunity out there for companies and organisation who want to promote their services and products to our ever increasing Home Front History audience.
We are a not for profit UK social enterprise. Income generated through this website helps us to maintain not only this site but also our free at the point of delivery outreach to schools, charities, veterans groups and other not for profit organisations.
Our advertising rates
For £600 you can secure a quarter page promotional advertising space on this website for three years and in addition we will regularly mention your organisation(s) across our social and commercial networks. Your logo will also be added to every web page on our site and from time to time we will include it in outgoing emails to our network contacts. We can design and create an advertisment for you with up to four design changes over the three year period by arrangement with our designer.
We will also advise you of up and coming events and promotions that we are attending which may be of interest and benefit your organisation.
For £250 you can secure a quarter page promotional space on this website for one year. In addition we will regularly mention your organisation(s) across our social and commercial networks.
Your logo will also be added to every page on the this website.
We will also advise you of up and coming events and promotions that we are attending which may be of interest and benefit your organisation.
For £99 you can secure a promotional banner space on the website for a year. In addition we will regularly mention your organsiation on our social and commercial networks.
For £45.00 you can display your logo on this website for a year.
If you require and more information about advertising with us please contact:
Tel: 077 483 10996 (Please leave a message if we are not available)
If calling from outside the UK: + 44 77 483 10996
Email: homefronthistory@btinternet.com
We have a select social, professional and commercial network following and in turn that reach is significant and expanding across market sectors including History, Education, Museums, Tourist Destinations, Armed Services, the Media, Local Authorities, Charities and the 1940s / Vintage / Retro communities. Event organisers and Venues.
We are happy to talk numbers.